torsdag 14 april 2016

Looking Back

Looking Back

A few years ago when I was in Gothenburg with my friend Tim I learned an important lesson that changed my life forever. It all started at an airport in Västervik just before we boarded our plane. Tim and I were going to live with Tim’s dad in Gothenburg for a week and we were both looking forward to it a lot. While waiting for the plane I checked the latest news on my phone. Nothing bad had really happened in Sweden for a long time and everything was quite peaceful. It was going to be a fun week. The plane ride also went really smooth and all of a sudden we were in Gothenburg. Tim’s dad was standing and waiting for us outside the airport. I had not met him yet so he introduced himself. “Hi, I am Mark” He said “You must be Joel” He continued “Yeah, that’s me” I answered. After that we just went to the car and Mark started driving, I fell asleep right away.

When I woke up I was alone in the car and the car was parked outside a mall. I looked around trying to find Tim and Mark but they were nowhere to be found. I took my phone out of my pocket so I could call Tim but he had already left a message. “If you‘re alone in the car when you read this, that means that we are still out shopping in the mall, come find us” his message said. I went out of the car and stared walking towards the mall. It was a newly opened mall and it was full of people, it was not going to be easy to find them. I did not see them near the entrance so I went looking in the stores. After looking around for a while I found them outside a sports shop. I saw that Tim had bought new Basketball shoes and they seemed really expensive. I started walking towards them when I heard a loud noise and I was suddenly thrown towards the ground. After that everything went black. I did not hear anything expect a loud tinnitus and it felt like I could not move.

Then I heard someone scream and I woke up out of the shock I was in just moments ago. I looked around and all I saw was ashes and fire. Tim and Mark were nowhere to be found. I got up on my feet and almost feel down again but managed to stay up. I realized that if I would have been just a little closer to Mark and Tim I would have been burned by the fire that was there now. I started to get worried about Tim but told myself that he and his dad had gotten out of mall safely. After what felt like forever I got out and could finally breathe fresh air again. A lot of people was standing and observing and others were screaming and crying. I heard a scream behind me and when I turned around I saw Mark sitting on the ground with Tim in his lap. “I can’t feel my legs, Dad, why can’t I feel my legs!” Tim screamed “It’s going to be ok, son” Mark responded “Can we get some help here, please!” I said and started running towards them. “You made it out thank god” said Tim “don’t worry about me you are the one we should worry about” I answered. About five minutes after our conversation ended the medics came and got Tim to the hospital. “I’m sorry to say this but unfortunately Tim will never walk again.” the doctor said after they had examined Tim’s legs.

That was 5 years ago now and not a day goes by when I don’t think back on how lucky I was that I made it out alive, turns out that the mall explosion was one of many terrorist attacks in Gothenburg that day. There was another explosion at Liseberg and one at a popular hotel in the city. Nobody really knows who had blown it all up but there are many suspects. A lot of people lost their life that day and my best friend Tim lost his legs. The lesson I learned that day was to not take anything for granted because it can be taken away from you any second. Tim could never play basketball again after the explosion and that was one of his favorite activates. Tim and I still hang out daily but I think we both wish that we never would have gotten on that plane to Gothenburg that day.

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